Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

I typically would not post political opinions here or on my Facebook. However, this year an issue was on our local ballot that I couldn't let go. The city of Salina passed a revision to an ordinance that would allow the LGBT community the same protections of those who already cannot be discriminated against. A group came in and received enough signatures on a petition to bring it to a vote whether or not the amendment to the ordinance should be repealed or not.

The North Central Kansas Equality Coalition is a group of like minded people who do not believe that discrimination should exist in our society. I joined as soon as I learned of the issue. Through neighborhood canvassing, vote no signs in yards, vote no t-shirts, advertisements and direct mail we battled for the people of Salina to vote no. Throughout the campaign our side took the high road. We held signs at busy intersections and on street corners.

Monday morning I joined a group who were standing on Ohio holding signs in front of Eagle Communications. Eagle Communications has taken to the airwaves to endorse the vote yes campaign. They have handed out vote yes signs from their offices. Standing on the street holding the vote no sign the majority of motorists honked in support, waved and gave thumbs up. There were a few that gave us thumbs down or shook their heads in disgust. We were joined by one gentleman who was holding a vote yes sign. He didn't say long and attempted to engage us in a verbal debate. I was quite proud that no one took the bait and he left shortly after he arrived.

I am so proud of the members of the NCKEC and the people of Salina who have supported this. It is sad that in this day and age we have to fight for equal rights for everyone. The LGBT community is not looking for special rights just equal. When you look at the battles that have been fought over the years you see that of the slaves, women voters and African Americans. We have to start somewhere to progress.

One thing I am disappointed in is the division that this issue has caused in Salina. When you look at the local on-line media you see such hatred being thrown around. Please don't hide behind your religion as you make remarks about how horrible those who are different than you are. Also, don't hide behind your computer. Perhaps if you don't agree with something it is time for you to get involved. No matter what you do please remember that the people you are putting down are people. They have feelings, they have families. In some cases they have children. Think about how you would feel if someone told your mother, father, brother, sister or child that they hope they burn in hell.

I understand that not everyone holds the same opinions as I do. That is what makes America so wonderful. I have heard many people in Salina say they have no reason to vote because in the Republican state it doesn't really matter who you vote for for president. However, your local races matter. The questions on your local ballot are what are going to affect you the most. So no matter your opinion you need to vote. Tonight this election will be over. The yard signs will come down, the advertisements will cease, and the phone calls will stop. People will be happy and people will be disappointed. However, I will know that my voice was heard. Can you say the same?