Friday, August 30, 2013

Sowing the seeds of friendship

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:  If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" ~ Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

In middle school and high school I had the same set of friends. Heck some of them have been friends since grade school. The thing about friends from that point in your life is that when you grow up you remain friends but everyone moves on. Due to work or family people move to other cities and states. Those friendships are still important but there is something to be said about being able to call someone and say "Would you like to grab a cup of coffee and talk for awhile?". I haven't had friends that I could do that with for about 10 years now. Sure my friends would come and visit and I would go visit them and there is always Facebook of course. But it isn't the same.

We changed churches two years ago and began attending Church of the Cross. The transformation I have experienced since this change is unbelievable to me. I look forward to going to church each Sunday. If I miss for some reason I feel like my week is not complete. Ben and I started attending Sunday school. We love it! I even went on an adult mission trip. However, the biggest transformation for me is that I have friends. To most that probably doesn't sound like a big deal but I really struggle with meeting new people and cultivating friendships. I'm awkward with people I don't know very well. Let's face it I have a much different sense of humor than most people my age.

A few weeks ago I was approached by a church member about co-leading a women's group. I hesitated and thought about it for a rather short time and agreed. While I am going to co-lead I am going to learn far more than I will probably be able to give back. Our first book that we are going to do I am sure I will read inside and out and learn all of the Bible passages needed to go along with it. Bible knowledge is not something I have have an extreme amount of at this point in my life. I am one of those people who needs to know all the information before feeling comfortable discussing something. If I think what I have to say is going to sound stupid I just don't say it at all. However, the friendship with my co-leader is something I most look forward to. We seem to have the same interests and as crazy as it sounds I feel comfortable with her.

The biggest friendship moment came though last Sunday. Another church member invited myself and the other co-leader to go to a bingo for purses fundraiser for Hospice. We went and had a wonderful time. Neither one of them will probably ever understand how much this seemingly small gesture affected me. I came home that night and in my prayers I thanked God for bringing these two women into my life. He seemed to realize that while I struggle to form these friendships on my own that they are important to have.

Along with these two new friends I have reconnected with someone I knew growing up that lives in Salina. She is full of energy and can discuss anything. I also stepped out of my comfort zone and made a new friend while we were in line at a concert. He has proven to be a fun person to be around and I am certain that our friendship will continue to grow. While thinking about all of this I can't help but realize that we had so much rain this year that perhaps it was enough to water the friendship seeds for me. I will continue to pray that God will cultivate these friendships and they will continue to grow.

My hope is that everyone who reads this will reach out to someone that they may have contact with on a weekly basis and try to start a friendship with them. Even if you simply ask them how they are when you see them or make sure you talk to them when you see them outside of the normal setting it will make a difference in peoples lives.

The joys of college

Ben finished his first year of Pharmacy School. He needed to retake biochem this summer and found that Michigan State offered it online. He enrolled and paid the fee and off he went. The class started in May while we were on vacation but like a good student he brought his laptop along and started studying. His summer was consumed by this class. He studied for hours and hours and in the end passed it. However, not before we had a scare that he didn't.

Now the new school year has started and he has jumped right in. After the misunderstanding about his biochem class from this summer he was in the year two classes and then out of two of them and now he is back in them. This three day weekend that most use to rejuvenate themselves after the start of a school year he will use to catch up on the classes he has missed.