Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The "I'm not dying just saying things that need to be said" post

This blog is to my friends. I'm going to call some of you out individually and if you are not mentioned here please don't think you are any less of a friend than anyone else. I just have a few things that I need to say. There are just some that need to hear what they mean to me and learn things they may not know.

I have always considered myself a "socially awkward friend". I love my chair and my TV and most of all my house. I'm not a good friend in other words. There are times that going out to someplace or to someones house seems like a chore. I'm fine once I get there but it's very easy to make excuses not to have to go.
  • Lindsay. She probably doesn't know how hard it was for me to take the leap to go to her house the first time she invited us over to play cards. I super stressed about it before we went. I was certain I was going to say something dumb and that no one would like me. However, we went and we had an amazing time. I hadn't laughed that hard in a really long time. She has been such an awesome friend to my family ever since then. I really think that everyone who feels like I do should have a Lindsay in their life. Her amazing heart does great things for people and more should strive to be like her.
  • James. He is the most awesome person I have ever met behind a theater! Sometimes I am certain that God puts us in the right spot at the right time and I know this was that case. My life is better because you are in it. I have that person to talk trash with while watching awards shows. I have seen your life change so much in the past year and a half that I can hardly believe you are the same person. I know that when I need an ear yours is there.
  • Sally and Nathan. I'm going to tell a little story here that I haven't even shared with them before. Easter Sunday a couple years ago Ben and I were sitting on a bench in the narthex of the church and Sally and the kids were sitting on the other. I remember thinking that they had probably been going to COC for some years and I just didn't know them as we were fairly new to the church. My socially awkward self wanted to ask her a million questions but didn't for fear of sounding stupid. So we just pretty much sat there. We did talk about allergies a little bit and that was it. Until weeks later when Sally asked me to co-lead a small group with her. That took me WAY the heck out of my comfort zone but I am so glad I said yes. Even though I was probably the crappiest co-leader ever it led me to get to know Sally and Nathan so much better and to get to know Sharon. I am so sad that now that our friendship is completely on track that you are moving. I know it is only an hour away but I will miss you so much. You my friend are my "break out" friend. You helped me break out of my shell.
  • Sharon. I watched you at the front of the church every Sunday so happy and friendly. I honestly figured you had been at COC forever. Getting to know you in small group was great but getting to know you over cards and El Ateron has been even better. Thank you for being you :)
  • Cards family. You all bring so much laughter and happiness into my life. I love our little ragtag group of crazy people. I never thought I would be the person that would have people over to play games and have that wonderful feeling of a full house of people I truly care about. You all appear to accept me for who I am, unicorn head and all. May our group never go away. I know friends in it will come and go as life changes take place but know that anytime we play you are welcome.
  • Brett. My Brettly. I love you. Mind you I didn't always. I was pretty certain Brett was the most stuck up person I have ever met. That may be why we are such great friends. I hate you when you send me videos and pictures from Disney World, but secretly wish you would send me more. You "get it" when it comes to me. I know I can always be me with you and that no matter what we are friends forever. Florida is a long way away but it hasn't stopped us!
  • Work friends. You are all a group of not right people. I think that is why we all get along so well. I believe that we give each other such a hard time because we love each other so much. I know that Kathy would think I was sick if I didn't give her a hard time. I wouldn't even come close to loving my job as much as I do if it wasn't for you guys.   
  • April. No friends list would be complete without April. My life wouldn't be complete without you. You has been my constant since kindergarten and I know that we are forever friends. We may not see each other as much as we would like or talk as frequently as we should but you are forever in my heart. Many times something will be said or happen in my daily life that makes me think of you. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you :)
  • Ty. Oh what to say about Ty. I would probably consider Ty to be my male April. Who else would eat crappy Mexican food in Ulysses with us on fourth of July? Our time together is never boring. I would do anything for him and I am pretty certain he would do anything for me. Plus how could I not be friends with someone who is able to laugh hysterically at 50,000 volts!
  • Sarah, Christel and Amanda. We don't see each other near as much as we should. I know that no matter how long goes between visits that we will still pick up where we left off. I know that when life's big crisis' happen that you are the friends I want to talk to. Distance makes our friendship harder but thanks to Facebook I feel a part of each of your lives.  
  •  Heather. We are only an hour and a half away but sometimes it feels like we may as well be on opposite sides of the earth for as little as we really see each other. We need to talk more. Our friendship is deep. Sometimes I think of the "old days" when we were both young and dumb and I can't help but to smile. I am so proud of the person you have become and it feels great to see your dreams coming true.
To the many others that I have missed in this list and I know there are tons of you please know that without each of you in my life I wouldn't be who I am today. One of my goals in 2015 is to take a selfie with each and everyone of you. Sometimes I may not act like the best friend by forgetting birthdays or important events in your life but know that I love you all. If you ever need anything please call me. In 2015 I am going to be a better friend. I am going to get out of my chair and enjoy life with you all. I want to spend more time sharing meals, laughs, drinks, cards, tears and love.

Now that all of that is out. I am not dying. This seems a list someone would make when their world was ending but mine is not. It is just beginning. I spent a few years down because I didn't feel that I had very many friends but making this list has made me realize I have always had the friends. I just haven't always been the friend they needed back. Thanks for sticking by me.