Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halloween - DIY costume!

Let me start off by saying there is nothing wrong with store bought Halloween costumes. We have certainly bought our fair share. As I look back through the years costumes I have made Facebook, Chuck, DJ Lance Rock, and even an ant at a picnic. When Carter came to me this year and said he wanted to be a stoplight I was super excited. This costume is so easy to make and turns out super cute!

Yellow felt
Spray Adhesive
3 touch lights and batteries (The Dollar Store had these for a dollar each)
Yellow Duct Tape
Black foam sheet
1 red plastic table cover
1 yellow plastic table cover
1 green plastic table cover
Heavy duty Velcro

1. Take the box and measure it on your child so that you can cut off the bottom of the box at the knees. Any longer and it is harder to walk in. Use the knife to cut the box off. Also, cut the hole for the head and each arm.

2. Use the yellow duct tape to tape around the cut edges on the arm holes, the head hole and along the bottom of the box where you cut off. Also reinforce the edges and the seam in the box.

3. Spray one side of the box with spray adhesive and then apply the felt. Spray the next side and roll the box onto the felt. I kept this in one piece to make it easier. Once done cut an x out in the neck hole and each arm hole and use duct tape to secure the flaps to the inside of the box. I also taped the felt up into the box at the bottom.

4. Cut the black foam to the shape you want it to be on the edges. Use the spray adhesive to attach it to the front of the box.

5. Cover each of the lights with a piece of table cloth. I doubled mine over to make the color shine through. I simply used duct tape to secure the table cloth on the back. Make sure your batteries are fresh and the lights all work before you do this.

6. Put Velcro on the back of the lights and attach them to the black foam.

You are now the coolest mom ever!

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