Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas time is is finals week!!

Where has this year gone? It was just Halloween a couple weeks ago right? When I stop to look at a calendar I see that Halloween was over a month ago and Thanksgiving is past and here it is almost Christmas.

I hosted Thanksgiving for the first time. In year's past we have gone out to eat but this year I wanted us to be at someone's home around the table as a family. I must say it wasn't as horrible as the nightmares I had leading up to it. I did what I do anytime I have to make something I turned to Pinterest. We started off by making the Dollar Store plates with the Sharpies that is floating all over Pinterest. Let me just say these were an epic FAIL! We made them exactly like the directions said and then ran them through the dishwasher where they lost a small amount of ink. We sit down to dinner and I notice that mashed potatoes on my plate are turning red. The ink bled into the food! Thank God I served cranberry sauce so everyone else just thought the red was from that.

Some things from Pinterest that did work were mini pumpkin and Toll House pies, green bean casserole and sugar cone cornucopias. To see my review on anything I try from Pinterest feel free to follow me on there. My name on Pinterest is Mollie Purcell. I have one board dedicated to things I have tried. Good or bad the review goes there.

So now our tree is decorated and the outside lights are hung. The shopping is done and the presents are wrapped. This weekend is Ben's birthday, his parents and sister are coming to visit and it is the church Christmas play for the boys. Sounds like it is going to be another busy one.

Ben is gearing up for finals week which is next week. He has struggled with some of the classes so far and I know he is worried about his finals. I want nothing more than for him to succeed at this. I know he can do it. I don't look to see much of him over the next two weeks he will be holed up in his office studying like crazy.

I had an interview last Friday for a promotion at work. It was a two hour interview with the publisher at our newspaper and the vice president of the company. What will be will be. It is all in God's hands now but I felt it went fantastic. Best I have felt leaving an interview ever.

One last thing before I close this today. During this time when we spend so much money on people and buy things that are not only not needed but in some cases are not wanted please remember those who are less fortunate than we are. If you are in Salina the Salina Area Food Bank is out of four staple items: tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, spaghetti sauce and crackers. If you can make a donation please do. I am certain there is someone on your Christmas list who would appreciate a card or handwritten note that says we are thinking of you and have made a donation to the food bank in your honor.

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