Monday, September 24, 2012

Sometimes the best lessons come from a child

As typically happens I have fallen off from writing here. Ben has settled into his school routine. He has taken his first few tests and I think figured out what he needs to do to succeed in this program. Today was his first day of having Carter home with him in the morning. We gave him a few weeks to get into his routine and then in a cost saving measure decided to keep Carter at home with him instead of sending him to the sitters. Since Carter goes to school at 12:25 each day it gives Ben time then to get work done. He also has time in the mornings after setting Carter up with an activity to keep him busy.

Another reason I am so far behind is Gage's dad, Dennis, has been battling pancreatic cancer since May. Unfortunately, he lost his battle on September 16. Gage would go see him every other weekend and since he was sick about every weekend. As a parent I prepared for the worst and how it would affect Gage and my heart broke as I had to tell him the news. I told him as gently as you can break that news to someone and yes he cried and was upset. However, after a few hours he seemed fine. The viewing wasn't until Thursday after he passed on Sunday. Gage continued to amaze me and greeted each person and took them to see Dennis' body. His strength through this never wavered. The funeral was Friday and again Gage handled everything like he had been to a 1,000 funerals. I am so proud of him.

Sunday after things had quieted down and the family had left to go home. I asked Gage how he has remained so strong through all of this. His response was simple and one that a lot of adults wouldn't have figured out. He told me that he had stayed strong because we had joined our church the year before and having church and God in his life gave him the support he needed. He said without that he wouldn't be doing nearly as good. That he knew his dad was in pain and that he wasn't anymore. As adults how many of us truly would feel this way?

I know there will be hard times and that Gage may have moments when he misses his dad. But I also know our church and God will always be with him. Isaiah 41:10 says: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Sometimes it takes a child to teach a lesson that everyone should know.

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