Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pharmacy School Widow

Year two is winding down and finals week is upon us. This year I felt we were more prepared for what the year would have in store for us than we were last year. The classes I think were harder for Ben but the time he was away from our family in his office didn't feel as bad.

I am excited for Friday night. We will have Ben back with us for the summer for the most part. Last night was Gage's honors night at school and while Ben was physically with us I know mentally he was working on finals prep. (The phone with his lecture notes on it wasn't a clue at all!) After we got home he had me quiz him on some of the drugs and what they are used for and how they work. I couldn't even pronounce most of them! He has a final every day this week and Monday's went well. Tuesday and Friday are the ones we are worried most about.

So after Friday's final we will have Ben back...until Monday when he starts his two week rotation at the hospital. Then in July he will head to Omaha for two weeks for his summer session. I'm really not sure who is more excited the kids or me and I'm not sure if Ben is more excited to be done with classes for this year or to get to spend time with us.

My advice to anyone who has a significant other that is planning on Pharmacy School is to make sure you are prepared to spend nine months out of the year as a Pharmacy School Widow. Your significant other needs you to be supportive and understanding. They need you to realize that most people who go through this program are not tied down and are immersed in school 24/7. Most of all they need you to work with their schedule and what is going on in their life.

This is what happens when they have studied for hours on end...no worries an hour after finals they go back to normal!

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