Sunday, April 5, 2015

No-Spend Challenge

I recently discovered an amazing blog called Living Well Spending Less. Ruth, who writes the blog, has an amazing story of not only her faith walk but also has fantastic tips on how to handle just about anything. While reading her blog one day I came across this post, No-Spend 31 day challenge. The basics are 31 days of no spending. There are a few exceptions, of course you still pay your bills and buy gas for your car. If you have certain scheduled events in your life you of course don't cancel. For example I have a trip to St. Louis for work this month and will spend money on this trip. I'll just be very cautious of what I spend.

Ben and I discussed if we thought we could do this and decided we could but wanted the kids to be able to have a say in this. Both were on board right away. I can't wait to see how this journey goes. If all goes well we will probably do this twice a year. Not only does it give us a chance to save money but it gives us a chance to appreciate what we have.

Anyone want to join us in this challenge?

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