Friday, April 10, 2015

Sometimes you have to take notice and listen

Sometimes God will do anything to get your attention. However, many times we ignore those blaring signals he uses to get that message to us. We have always been like children with money. Money comes in and money goes out and we never really budgeted. If we wanted it we bought it. When Ben went back to school we continued on this path. When the pharmacy Ben was working at closed in December of 2013 we continued just like we had. A year and three months later we finally got the blaring message that God had been trying to send us.

Ben has spent many many hours the last year putting in job applications. We made the decision finally at the end of March that we were going to follow the Dave Ramsey plan and go to Financial Peace University and get our lives in order. We started our month long spending freeze and signed up for the class. Here we are five days after making these changes and we now know that this is what God has been leading us to do all along.

Today Ben got the call that he starts Sunday night at UPS part time. He also has another interview this next week for full time employment and another possible job lead. When the woman from UPS called she told him he was lucky, normally it takes quite some time to get the paperwork back on people who have interviewed and his came back super fast. They hire on a first qualified basis. So if others paperwork had come in before his they wouldn't have had a position for him. 

I know that we had to get the message about spending frivolously and make the changes in our lives. Now that we have gotten that message and started those changes I see God at work in our lives even more then I did as we went through this. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. However, if you keep walking you will eventually get out of that forest and will be able to look back and say "That forest sure was big and sure was tough to get through but now that I'm on the other side it sure does feel great to look back and see that I am stronger because I have gone through it." 

If you are struggling in your life right now take a moment to sit back and listen. Think about the things in your life that may need a change. Start making those changes and you may be surprised to find that the trees start to thin out and you are out of the forest before long.

This blog is brought to you by the letter G and O and D and the number 1.

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