Friday, May 8, 2015


We embarked on a 31 days spending freeze. We did really well with just a couple times that we broke our freeze. Part way through the month the breaks on my car needed to be replaced. You have no idea how amazing it felt to be able to not stress about where the money to pay for those breaks was going to come from.

During the month of April we enrolled in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. Our first class was last Tuesday but I had already started reading his book and following his advice. I am so proud to say at the end of this month we will have our emergency fund in place and will have already started to pay down debt. I have probably made fun of Dave Ramsey more than once in the past so I am taking some grief for jumping on this bandwagon but I feel what he is saying makes 100% sense.

I can't wait to continue to see what this journey holds. If you are under 30 and have not done Financial Peace University...DO IT! I wish I would have known in my 20's what I know today. If you are over 30 and haven't done FPU and find yourself living paycheck to paycheck or are in debt you need this class. You need to have the slap in the face makeover that Dave can give you. I can't express how much stress has been relieved already in one month.

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