Friday, August 3, 2012

Homeward Journey

Our family finally completely reunites today after almost a month of one of us missing. Gage left for vacation on July 11th and didn't get home until after Ben had left for Omaha. So this morning at 7:30am my mom and Gage left to pick up Ben. After a wrong turn at Salina...(Yes I guess it is possible to make a wrong turn somewhere you have lived for a million years) they made it to Junction City where they headed north.

They made it to Omaha and I received a text that said "We have the package". They went across Omaha and stopped at Cracker Barrel for a late lunch. Then they hit the road. They hadn't gone too far on the highway when it sounded like a helicopter was landing on their roof. Now no one thought that might be strange and worth pulling over for. Finally a truck pulled up next to them and got their attention to pull over. The driver's side back tire had blown. Not just blown but shredded completely. So they unloaded the trunk and Ben put on the spare. Just as he finished the police pulled up and let them know where to go. So they had to stop and have four new tires put on the car before they could continue home.

Here it is 9:40pm and they haven't made it back yet but I know they are somewhere between Concordia and here. Ben of course has to work tomorrow morning so I think it will be a quick hello and hugs and then bed for him.

So while Carter and I waited for them to make it home we did something I used to do as a child. Christy, who I work with, gave me Shrinky Dinks for my birthday. Well Carter and I had a wonderful time coloring them, cutting them out and putting them in the oven. He brought his stool over and sat down in front to watch through the window. He was amazed at how they worked. As they finished flattening out in the oven he turned to me and simply said "Thank you mom". That was such a great moment.

We had terryaki noodles for dinner tonight. I did get my menu done for the month of August. Lots of new recipes on it that I am sure I will share on here. I can't wait to see how they all turn out! What recipes do you like to make for your family?

Perhaps tomorrow night we will get Ben's take on the two weeks he has been gone.

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