Saturday, July 28, 2012

Soap, lunch, burritos and school supplies! WHEW!

Oh my goodness what a crazy few days! So glad to have Gage home. I am LOVING the homemade laundry soap I made. It's a box of Borax, a box of Arm and Hammer baking soda, a box of Arm and Hammer washing soda, a container of Oxy Clean, and three bars of FelsNaptha soap. You great the soap bars and mix it all together. Use a tablespoon or two per load and away you go! I have probably enough laundry soap to last 6 months to a year for less than $20.

Yesterday for lunch I made grilled cheese and chicken sandwiches with some of the rotisserie chicken I made last week. Super easy...butter the bread flip it over and put your cheese on then put on the shredded chicken and then top with a piece of bread and butter the top. Grill it on the stove top and you have grilled cheese and chicken. The kids loved it and it was super easy to make.

This Sunday is Mission Trip Sunday at church. Gage went in June to Kansas City and worked with Urban Plunge to help the homeless in Kansas City. It was an amazing learning experience for him. So since the youth have to help at both services they are having breakfast during Sunday school. So I took the opportunity to make breakfast burritos. I had planned on making a batch for the freezer for the boys to have for breakfast. I ended up making two batches and had 64 burritos when it was all said and done. 

Two pounds of sausage
Two pounds of bacon
18 eggs
3 cups of shredded cheese

Cook it all up scramble the eggs, chop up the bacon and crumble the sausage. Mix it all together along with green peppers and onion if you so choose. I put about 1/3 cup in each burrito. Then fold them up and if you are going to freeze them wrap them in saran wrap. They will last 2-3 months in the freezer. Just unwrap them and microwave them for 45 seconds and then flip it over and microwave it for another 45 seconds. The boys each had one and thought they were great so I am going to say kid tested, kid approved!

After burrito cooking it was off to Wal-Mart to school supply shop. Both boys are SUPER excited for school to start. Carter was most excited about his book bag and pencil case. Both boys came home and loaded up their backpacks and put them by the door. I snapped a few photos of them with their bags.

1 comment:

  1. I made that soap before, don't think it had oxyclean though, and I loved it, I should do it again.
