Thursday, July 17, 2014

We begin again

The past few months have been an adventure all on their own. I think it best to break down the adventure by the explorers involved.


Gage had ear surgery in June. He had a hole where his tube never healed. The surgery was rather painless but a recent visit to the doctor showed that his body may be rejecting the skin graft. He goes back in a few weeks to find out for sure. 

He turned 14 on July 10 and got his first set of golf clubs. He has really enjoyed going out to the driving range and hitting balls and is improving. This week has been spent at football camp in the mornings.

Gage also applied for the Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars Program in February. He made it through the first few phases of the application process and just had his hour long phone interview. We will find out in September or October if he made the cut!


Carter has had a great summer. He has taken many art classes at the Art Center. Also, classes through Rolling Hills, Lakewood Discovery Center and enjoyed the summer movies at the movie theater.

We have continued to patch his eye in hopes his vision will continue to improve. He goes back for a doctors visit in a few weeks and hopefully will get to start 2nd grade without a patch. While he doesn't mind wearing it it would be great to start a new school year without it. 

He continues to love to draw and make up plays. His love for life is such a beautiful thing to see. 


Perhaps the biggest change for anyone in the last few months is Ben. He has been dismissed from the Creighton Pharmacy School program. While it is really hard to see a dream end like this I know he will get back up on his feet and move on to bigger and better things. So for now we start the adjustment period. We figure out what our next steps are and we continue to put one foot in front of the other and move on. Right now he is spending time with the kids while I am at work during the week and catching up on all of my "honey do" items. After the kids come back from a vacation with Grandma he will begin his job hunt.


I continue to work. In October there will be some job changes coming that I will bring to light in the future. They are all good!! In April at our Midwest Circulation Management Association (MCMA) conference I was elected 3rd Vice President. I am so excited to help others learn about what they can do in the newspaper industry to continue to grow circulation. 

I also made the decision a week or so ago to change the way my family eats. We have started eating clean. Whole foods, nothing processed (with the exception of whole grain bread and whole grain pasta) and lots of protein. So far it has been great!! I feel so much better than I did with all of that processed foods and I have a feeling the other benefits are going to be very rewarding. 

So we continue in flux for now. Stay tuned...this is an adventure that you won't want to miss!


  1. Thanks for the update Molly. Sounds like a lot of ups and downs but with the love and commitment your family shows, you all will progress to achieve your goals! Hang in there! :)

  2. I'll be keeping Ben in prayers. I know it's been a bit of a shock and very difficult. love and hugs and prayers!
