Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chicken, chicken and more chicken!

So yesterday we started the crock pot rotisserie chicken. I came home from work today to a house that smelled AMAZING! I opened the lid to the crock pot and had to lift the liner out in order to get the chicken out in one piece due to the tenderness of the chicken. 

It fell off the bones. No knife ever touched this chicken. It tasted great and Carter even liked it! When we were finished we picked the bones clean and shredded the meat. I will use this in a dish later on this week that also came from Pinterest. Here is how much meat was left after we ate dinner.

On a total side note my Pinterest account has been locked due to "suspicious activity". I seriously am going through withdrawals!

On the school front, Ben has been studying his tail off to get this last class out of his way. He also has his orientation packet that came in his email yesterday. He has been filling out forms and financial aid papers. He leaves Sunday night for Omaha. Carter's babysitter is also on vacation next week so I am taking a week of vacation myself. It will be great to have a week at home not having to worry about anything really. Sleeping in and relaxing. Who could ask for anything more?

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