Saturday, July 21, 2012

Creighton Pharmacy School Welcome Week 101

Ben has spent the past few days getting all of the paperwork filled out for pharmacy school. Which includes getting his immunization records. At first we couldn't figure out why in the world they would need his immunization records for college that was going to mainly be done on the computer. However, since he will stay in the dorms for two weeks he has to have them. So after a call to his mom and she called the doctors office we learned that your immunizations are registered with the state of Kansas. So he was able to get them all squared away. He will move into the dorms tomorrow evening. So for now he is writing essays still and packing. We will go to church tomorrow morning and he is going to take us out for lunch for my birthday and he will probably hit the road not long after.

Carter and I are all set to be house bums this week. We went to Family Video and rented a LOT of movies to watch. I am really looking forward to spending a lazy week with him. It will be good to have some bonding time with Gage still away and Ben gone.

Tonight for dinner I had some boneless skinless chicken breast tenders. I put them between layers of saran wrap and beat them with my mallet. I'm not gonna lie it always makes me feel better to beat up some meat with the mallet. I heated olive oil in a skillet and then mixed up panko, Mrs. Dash garlic and herb seasoning and shredded cheese. Wet the chicken and dip it in the mixture and then put it right in the pan. It doesn't take long to cook up since it is so thin. I put a piece in and would beat the other one and bread it and put it in and flip the one that was already in the pan. The next time I would take the already flipped one out and flip the one in the pan and add the new one. Carter had two on his bald head face plate. He wanted me to be sure and add a picture of it with it's honey mustard earrings and ketchup mustache. Super easy and great flavor. You can add whatever seasonings you want to to the panko.

I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday. Tomorrow I turn 35 which I seriously thought was ancient when my mom was 35. Now I don't feel like it is that old.

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