Sunday, July 15, 2012

Recipes, homework and church

We skipped Sunday school this morning since we had had such a busy few days. However, we did not skip church. This morning the sermon was another one in the series of family Bible stories that Pastor Greg has been doing. This one was on the baptism of Jesus. He compared it to when in Toy Story Buzz Lightyear learns that Andy has put his name on his foot. God chose to put his name on each of us when we were baptized. As I sat in church this morning it all really hit me that I have to let everything going on in life go to God. I felt a tremendous peace as I left the service this morning.

So after I got home I got to work. Our budget is going to have to change. The first start is going to be eating at home pretty much every night and taking lunches to work. I now have a 30 page cookbook of things I can make so far. I have started a monthly menu and have started a budget. I also started reading a book America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money: Your Guide to Living Better, Spending Less, and Cashing in on Your Dreams. I am getting some great ideas.

Ben spent the day doing homework. His dedication to this microeconomics class and how he knows it must be completed to continue this journey is a fantastic sign as to what is coming in the future. He finished 3 chapters today and is now working on notes for his 6 tests he has to take this week. Tomorrow it is back to work for the last week before Ben head's off to Omaha for two weeks.


  1. You started talking about food and budgets, so I wanted to pass this along to you.... This man has changed my lives. Plain, simple, no nonsense teachings that our grandparents lived by :-) Check it out. If you guys have the time, see if there is a Financial Peace University group near you, and tune in to his syndicated daily radio show. It's nice to hear people with some common sense every now and then :-)

    1. New Radio 1150AM based in Salina,KS

      7 - 10pm
      The Dave Ramsey Show
      Call-in #: 1-888-825-5225

      Dave Ramsey is a personal money management expert, an extremely popular national radio personality, a newspaper columnist, TV host and author of The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness. Ramsey exemplifies his life�s work of teaching others how to be financially responsible in a biblically-based manner, so they can acquire enough wealth to take care of loved ones, live prosperously into old age, and give generously to others. "Live Debt Free" is his mantra and those that hear the call may find themselves reach the destination.
